Saturday, April 9, 2011

Big Problems in a Small Town

First off, my boss is a coward. He want to stick this on me while he goes on a business trip that just happens to be on the same day as the big, important meeting.

When giving this presentation, their are two words to avoid saying: acceptance and change. The crowd is already hostile and do not want their little town to lose its neighborly character. So, do not tell them they have to accept and deal with changes, because they do not want to hear it! That is not the approach that should be taken.

When presenting the topic, I will be calm and respectful. I will study any information that might be addressed during the meeting and present a solution if there are any problems that pertain to the GrandMart project. If the towns people do not agree with my ideas, I doubt that they would get violent to the point that I would have to leave the meeting. When changes come, people have to accept them and move on.

When it comes to keeping a job and making money, you have to deal with these situations for the good of the company; however, I still think that a little support from my boss would have been helpful in the event of a bad response from the community.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Situations with a Website

This would definately be a bad situation to have to deal with. The question is whether to talk to the boss about how to fix the problem or ignore it all together despite the millions of dollars in donations that are received from the website.

If I were in this predicament, I would first talk to the boss about how we could make the website available to those who have dial-up connections. A simple and effective idea would be to provide compensation to those who were inconvenieced because of their dial-up connection by giving them a high-speed internet connection for free, but this could get expensive for the company. Another solution could be to create a second website without all of the fancy, high tech upgrades so that people with dial-up will still be able to get the medical supplies they need withhout running into computer problems. The idea is to make sure that the site is still available to those who need medical service and that they get their supplies without trouble. If the business wants to continue serving those who want supplies, they need to make sure it meets the neccesary addience.

Monday, February 7, 2011

My Ambitions for the Future

My dream job is to be a technical engineer; therefore, I need to continue taking classes in college and any classes related to computers, mathematics, and science. By earning a degree in this field of study, I will increase my chances of receiving a job in this area. Most companies are looking for applicants with degrees and have had experience in this field of study. I can gain experience by volunteering or interning with businesses in the computer industry.

Upon receiving a call for an interview, I will need to prepare for it; keeping eye contact with the person I am speaking with and answering the questions thoroughly and completely. When asked what my strengths are, I will say that I have learned, through scouting, integrity and honesty, and I am a visual and hands on learner who stays committed to the task until it is completed. Areas I need to improve in are: adjusting to changes more easily, not taking on too many projects at one time, and managing my time more wisely. If asked why I should be hired for this job, I would start by saying that I will do my job, to best of my abillities, to advance the company by working diligently, coming up with new ideas, and by displaying excellent service to the employees, employers, and customers. If and when I am given the job, I will make sure to show my employer that they made the right choice in hiring me.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Right Morals Matter

The work place is not the place for relations with employees. You are there to work and help advance the company.

If I was in a situation like this, I would try to avoid the temptation at all cost, because I have morals to follow. Knowing right from wrong, I know that having an affair at work goes against my personal values. These values help me decide what is right so I can make smart, correct choices and stay out of trouble. Without morals where would our world be? A lot more worse than it is now. So, understanding your morals really does matter.

Every individual has given rights, but it is not always right to take advantage of these rights. Having an affair is just one example of taking advantage of human rights which is, in my opinion, wrong.

There are companies that have rules about having affairs in the work place, but these rules are not taken seriously. They still have their affairs in secret and get away with it. This can sometimes even give an employee an edge over the others on getting a raise, promotion or even more vacation time, but there are rules that must be followed and if caught you can lose your job.

For those of you who wish to "play devil's advocate" remember this: you might get ahead with an affair at work, but sometimes it may come back to bite you. There is no reason to be a "Romeo" in the work place, just focus on making an honest living while keeping your job and the romance can come later.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Count Down to Sabotage

           The following is a written plan to sabotage the super computer Colossus. It has come to my attention that Colossus has become to powerful of a computer and must be stopped at all cost to prevent the future of society from falling under its control. Knowing that I want to sabotage Colossus, it will take all necessary procedures to stop my plans. The consequence, of this choice, puts my life and the lives of anyone else I know on the line. The computer creates the rules and regulations to follow, so legally, sabotage would be considered a crime. Politically, the government may or may not agree with the plan to sabotage the computer in fear of what could happen. The outcome of this plan, being a success, will leave the people wondering what happened, considering that they were under micro chip control and don't remeber a thing, and asking themselves how they are to adjust back to their previous life style. I'm sure that my motives do not sound necessarily good, but I would rather destroy a computer that wants to take control of the world instead of be a slave to it. In the words of Forbin, I will never submit to Colossus. For the sake of many, I will count the costs and put my life in danger to protect the free will of everyone.